Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Long Road to Freedom - 1333 Words
Freedom Freedom, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Freedom is more than the power to act, speak, or think as one wants, but it is also the right of one to do anything they please as long as it does not infringe upon another humans rights. Basic freedoms are those such as; freedom of religion, press, speech, assembly, petition, thought, expression, and opinion. These rights are only those given to the Americans through the constitution, but we have more rights as humans that most do not understand. We, as a race, try to discriminate and degrade other races and make our race seem superior, but we are not. There is not a better or a perfect race, we all have flaws and we all have the same rights. We should be allowed to pursue happiness in anyway thou desire, from gay marriage to carrying a gun on your person at all times. Throughout time there has always been a species/race that believes or has the thought that they are superior to th eir intellectually inferior counterparts. The presence of hate and discrimination is and has always been prominent throughout the world, we as a species have fought amongst each other over countless, ridiculous reasons that have destroyed many civilizations and even specific races of humans. War, a wise man once quoted, Violence is never the answer, but war is organized violence that gives people something to blame their problems on. - Duncan Rouleau War is hate andShow MoreRelatedThe Difference Between A Eighteen Year Old And A Years Old990 Words  | 4 PagesWhat’s the difference between a fifteen-year-old and a sixteen-year-old? Freedom. At the age of fifteen, you’re given the training wheels needed to reach freedom; also known as your permit. Nothing is as cool to a fifteen-year-old as driving your mom and dad around for the first couple of months. 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